“Today, I credit the quality of my life to this work. It helped me to discover who I am and what I want and need.”

systematic transformation
An emotionally free, authentic self is in there, under all the garbage. If you’re ready to clean house, you’re ready for a whole new kind of therapy: The Brown Method.
“Today, I credit the quality of my life to this work. It helped me to discover who I am and what I want and need.”
“There is a stillness about me that I have not known before. I love my life. The snake has shed its old skin.”
“I’ve been able to learn that the knight in shining armor is me. I am who I was always looking for.”
“This work profoundly changed my marriage. And the courage I gained freed me to do what brings me joy.”
"What's wrong is all the garbage piled on top of you. Take that thought to the mirror each morning and try to see who you really are. Not 'an addict,' 'a binge eater,' or whatever false identity you’ve been saddled with. No. A person. And a beautiful one at that."
— From Addiction Is the SymptomAll addictive behaviors are variations on the mother of them all: control
As in looking up and really seeing for the first time
Some revealing questions to ask yourself
The Brown Method vs. the original 12 Steps
“A method for curing addiction in all its forms. This is what we’ve been missing.”
—Len Baltzer, Cofounder, National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers
What personal data we collect (hardly any), and why we collect it. Read.